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The Legend of Sinbad

Sinbad’s legendary tales have been told for generations. No matter the age or number of iterations, one thing remains consistent – his story never…


Sinbad’s legendary tales have been told for generations. No matter the age or number of iterations, one thing remains consistent – his story never gets old! Sinbad was an unparalleled sea voyager with unparalleled charisma that still resonates today with people across the world.

Sinbad was born to war veteran Badr and Esra, the daughter of a king from Khorasan. At an early age he demonstrated his unique talent: to use words and actions to shape others’ destinies; his charisma enabled others to follow him toward a common goal.

Sinbad was an iconic figure from literature and cinema, known around the globe. His fame transcended national borders, even having his own mascot!

Sinbad became one of the most beloved mascots on any ship he ever visited, drawing sailors of all backgrounds together through his charisma. Soon he became legendary.

Sinbad traveled extensively during his life and made many friends along the way. He is widely recognized for opening new territories up for travelers and explorers, which speaks volumes of his talents as both sailor and entertainer.

He was also an accomplished actor, appearing on numerous television series. One such sitcom he appeared in was called “The Sinbad Show”, running for only one season in 1993. Additionally he made cameo appearances on “Roc”, “Ready to Run”, and “Moesha”.

Sinbad made history when he became the first black comedian with their own series on a major network. His fame increased quickly, suggesting there would be greater things ahead for Sinbad.

Two years later, Sinbad suffered from a devastating stroke which put him into an artificial coma and required life support, though recent signs suggest improvement in his condition.

His family has created a website in order to raise money for Sinbad’s treatment, working closely with California Rehabilitation Institute as intensive therapy sessions begin. On this site, they have posted pictures of Sinbad with a walker which was an encouraging sight for fans. His family are thankful for everyone’s support; they hope to raise enough funds for lifelong care of Sinbad as they have already exceeded their initial fundraising goal of $100,000 – we wish him the best of luck on his journey back!