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The Legacy of Egypt

Egypt remains an influential presence on modern societies nearly 5,000 years after this remarkable civilization existed. From art and architecture, language, religion, and science…

Legacy of Egypt

Egypt remains an influential presence on modern societies nearly 5,000 years after this remarkable civilization existed. From art and architecture, language, religion, and science development; Egypt continues to fascinate and amaze today’s societies around the globe.

Egyptians were remarkable builders, constructing monumental structures like the pyramids of Giza. This task required mobilizing massive workforces and orchestrating complex engineering tasks; their monumental building exploited centralized command and control for greater labor optimization and materials savings. Furthermore, Egyptians excelled at writing; developing hieroglyphic writing systems to convey ideas in words – providing us with important clues into their world and beliefs during that period of time.

Egyptians developed one of the most sophisticated and influential science programs ever seen, including tools for measuring the sky and predicting eclipses, Nile floods, sun/moon movements and other natural occurrences. Furthermore, they created the first solar calendar based on Sirius’ heliacal rising.

Technological and scientific advancement have brought immense benefits to humanity, helping shape Western worldview in numerous ways. Egypt remains an influential presence today, from how we measure time to our understanding of afterlife issues.

Egypt left behind an amazing cultural legacy that left behind an adventuresome spirit among white scholars, especially. They were particularly appreciative of this treasure.

Howard Carter discovered the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamen in 1822 and opened up Egypt’s ancient culture to all. Since then, Egyptian monuments and temples have become models for cultural expression from many other cultures around the globe.

This book, although published in 1966, remains an invaluable overview of ancient Egypt’s influence on Western culture. Divided into eras of Egyptian history, each chapter provides insight into how its cultural contributions were affected by environmental factors like politics, arts and religion during each dynasty’s era.

The book describes how Egyptians improved agriculture, craft production and created an efficient labor force capable of large-scale stone construction projects. Egypt demonstrated how they took technology and techniques from Asia, perfecting them to an unprecedented degree. For example, Egyptians invented papyrus; an extremely useful paper-like material made from reeds which we still make use of today! Their record-keeping system was also innovatively comprehensive as evidenced by their king lists. Egyptians regarded their past as an instructive model for shaping their present, using history as an evaluation of rulers; many times praising them for noteworthy achievements while foretelling bad luck that befell many Late period kings as divine punishment.