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TED Fellows in the Gulf of Mexico

As creators of TED, an international platform for ideas, we find inspiration in the stories shared by this global innovator community. These leaders make…


As creators of TED, an international platform for ideas, we find inspiration in the stories shared by this global innovator community. These leaders make an impactful difference to our world – and it is this community whom we wish to recognize with our work. Furthermore, leadership does not follow a fixed and linear process – thus we strive to support leaders of various forms and journeys by offering an online platform and global network of TED Fellows that helps them find their own path – we call this “Ideas that Matter”.

TED is an acronym for Technology, Entertainment and Design; however we believe its scope has broadened considerably to cover many other topics of great relevance – for instance leadership is not achieved solo – it requires teams working towards common goals to make our world a better place. We’re delighted to be part of such an exciting movement of change-makers who share our belief that together our future is brighter!

We’ve been delighted by the commitment and passion shown by TED Fellows from around the world, including fishermen from North Carolina to Japan and Brazil. Fishermen in particular from the Gulf of Mexico embraced the TED device which reduces finfish bycatch while helping preserve endangered species; fishery scientists in this region are currently testing it, and this information will determine whether it can be widely deployed to improve management of finfish stocks.

As part of our global commitment, TED Fellows continue to expand globally, supporting projects ranging from local initiatives to larger global ones. We look forward to building this network of global change-makers and helping them realize their own ambitions for the future.

Ted visits a homeless shelter where he meets Phoebe, a teenage girl being bullied due to bad breath by her classmates. Through his humble demeanor and sharing of experiences, Ted can connect with Phoebe quickly; encouraging her to approach her bully directly using handwritten notes.

Humility and empathy are vital qualities in effective leadership, enabling a leader with these attributes to inspire their team while driving change forward.

Successful advancement leaders possess clear objectives of what they wish to accomplish. Ted, for example, defines success at AFC Richmond not in terms of winning games but in helping its players be their best selves – something many cynics and critics try to discredit him with; yet by staying true to his goal he gains support from players, club staff, and the local community – an example any leader can learn from.