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Magic Portals

Everyone has dreamed of owning their own magical portal that would transport them instantly to another realm or adventure, but few ever manage it….

Magic Portals

Everyone has dreamed of owning their own magical portal that would transport them instantly to another realm or adventure, but few ever manage it. These portals into other planes of existence are highly sought after by those who know how to unlock them, with only the most powerful mages being granted access. Portal spells are among the most difficult and expensive spells available for mage use; only gods give these secrets access.

Mage need only combine time and space in order to create portals, making portals usually found at places where time moves slower or faster than usual, such as planet centers or inside lava flows. Portals themselves consist of an artificial wormhole-like hole connected with two ends connected to different planets – though not everyone fully comprehends how or why this works (an unspoken rule ensures no attempt is made at opening one on too large or small planet).

A Portal acts like a magical teleportation spell: creatures entering its front are instantly transported through it to its other side and appear in an empty space on their destination planet. Any attempts at closing an open portal at once cause its opposite end of wormhole to collapse into darkness leaving only an empty space behind, no telling what might have once existed on that side of it!

Permanent portals connect to one place without changing or shifting locations or destinations; these are considered the most reliable of portals by planar travelers and may even become landmarks as buildings such as Sigil rise up around them. Temporary and shifting portals have different functions; permanent ones link directly to a location without moving, shifting their position occasionally if taverns or shops build over them in cities like Sigil.

Portals can be set to operate at specific times, such as sunrise or sunset, the full moon, or midnight. Alternatively, they can only work when touched by creatures with portal keys – like rare weapons or spells. Closing an active portal requires significant mana to accomplish, requiring some effort if you hope for immediate change.

Once a creature enters a portal created by mages, those creating it can feel an intense magical force pulling at them – anything from mild discomfort to feeling as though being pulled through an invisible wormhole! A successful Will save (DC 17) negates this effect.